Not all thoroughbreds will be able to go into second careers as riding horses after their racing careers have ended. That is the reality of racing. However, there are many horses that are pasture sound and can live a comfortable life being adopted as a companion horse or permanently retired. These type of thoroughbreds are in need of the most help and are just as deserving of recognition and funding as horses that can be retrained for second careers. Many of these valiant warriors gave as much or more on the racetrack as horses that retired with a higher level of soundness.
A retired or companion horse can bring a lot of joy and happiness to a person's life as much as a horse that can be ridden. They can be very therapeutic and be a great addition to a horse loving family. They can also contribute by being great babysitters for weaned foals and keeping another horse company. Horses like to be with other horses and do much better when they have company. And depending on the horse, their monthly maintenance may not be as high as a horse that is being ridden regularly.
With the enormous breeders awards and purse structures today, a mandatory percentage allotted for racehorse retirement, rehabilitation and long term care would provide the vast amount of substantial funding needed. The horses must be the top priority and their long term welfare addressed as well as the short term. They deserve that much from all of us.